Activity 02 - Tidldibab flute workshops

So as to promote the oldest instrument in the world and present the Darwinian Orchestra, ONE® is more implemented Tidldibab flute school workshops.They were led by Ljuben DIMKAROSKI, a Slovenian professional musician, who has passionately promoted this barely known instrument and played a replica in public concerts. He was assisted by interpreter Bostjan ZUPANČIČ.
The Tidldibab flute was presented in France on 19 and 20 November 2015, when Orchestre de Picardie organised 3 workshops in local secondary schools (Collège Millevoye - Abbeville / Collège du Bois de l'Eau - Bernaville). In total, 148 middle school students had the possibility of learning about the neandertal flute and trying out replicas. It proved to be more difficult than they’d imagined!
Other workshops were planned in May and June 2018 in Poland and Slovenia. However, as we learn with deep sadness that Ljuben DIMKAROSKI as passed away in August 2016, it was Boštjan GOMBAČ that undertook those workshops and concerts.