Activity 25 - Beatboxing meets the classics

On November 24 and 25, three musicians accepted to face this challenge: Breaking the conventional and elitist image of clasical music, by mixing it with a completely different style: beatboxing.
2 orchestra musicians (Marie-Luce Gillet, violin player and Gilles Claraz, Bassoon player) and a beatboxer (David Honegger) proposed participatory workshops to pupils from Feuquières-en-Vimeu (FR) elementary school and Albert (FR) music school.
Each musician intruduced his/her instrument and David Honegger explained his artistic discipline. They choosed baroque music, wich have a specific musical rhythm, to demonstrate the link beetween classical and modern music. The session included an initiation to beatboxing. It really was an unordinary discover for the children.
The local newspaper (Courrier Picard) wrote an article and made a video about this event (in French). You can access it here!

Those workshops will also take place in Germany (from March 5 to 8, 2018), Czech Republic (on April 16, 2018) and Slovakia.